Carers with specialist needs

Support for diverse groups was limited to translation services, braille, signing services, pictorial aids and being ‘respectful’.  Almost half (48%) stated that their forensic health service did not cater for people with specialist needs, and most did not have separate support arrangements for carers with specialist needs.  Only a fifth of respondents indicated that they provided specialist support for carers of patients with learning disabilities.

Over half of services (58%) reported catering for the needs of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) carers, in the main through provision of translation services.  Others remarked an equalities strategy was in place, and one respondent added they could access specialist BME support when needed.

The majority (65%) did not have specific provisions for carers with sensory impairments, including both private units.  Those who did had information available in braille, induction loops, and access to BSL interpreters.  Some respondents answered that they could access specialist provisions to meet these needs when required.

Few services had identified unmet needs or were planning to develop new support for carers.  Conversely, other services reported plans to develop additional specialist services for carers, for new carer support services to be developed where there was nothing, or to further develop the family support work involving both patients and carers.