Appendix 1. Measurement tool: data

LAHCS Measurement Tool: Data Gathering Framework

  1. established posts
  2. staff in post
  3. contractual commitments
  4. vacancies
  5. sickness absence
  6. annual leave absence
  7. unused flexi staff [Staff who, as part of their weekly commitments, are engaged on a flexible basis and provide cover for day-to-day absences]
  8. service users in hospital
  9. additional hours [Hours out with contracted commitments]
  10. travel time
  11. other [Includes training, paternity leave, secondments to office, lunch clubs, cancelled services]
  12. spare hours [Hours not committed to any activity]


This information was then input into a spreadsheet against the headings for each locality area [LAHCS operates over two geographic localities (East and West)]

The figures were aggregated and totalled for each area. By deducting the non-activity in columns (iv) to (xii) inclusive from the contractual commitments this then produced the activity data in each locality.