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2 Johnson, F. (2012) ‘Problems with the term and concept of “abuse”: critical reflections on the Scottish Adult Support and Protection study’, British Journal of Social Work, 42, pp.833-850.

3 Johnson, F. (2012) ‘What is an “adult protection” issue? Victims, perpetrators and the professional construction of adult protection issues’, Critical Social Policy, 32(2), pp.203-222

4 Sherwood-Johnson, F. (2013) ‘A different kind of practice? Meanings attached by practitioners to the idea of “adult protection”‘, Journal of Social Work, published online ahead of print.

5  Sherwood-Johnson, F. (2013) ‘Constructions of “vulnerability” in comparative perspective: Scottish protection policies and the trouble with “adults at risk”‘, Disability & Society, 28(7), pp.908-921.

6 Stewart, A. (2012) ‘Supporting Vulnerable Adults: Citizenship, Capacity, Choice’, Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.

7 Lafferty, A., Treacy, M.P. & Fealy, G.  (2013) ‘The support experiences of older people who have been abused in Ireland’, Journal of Adult Protection, 15(6), pp.290 – 300.

8 Juklestad, O.  (2004) ‘Elderly people at risk: a Norwegian model for community education and response’, Journal of Adult Protection, 6(3), pp.26 – 33.

9 Doron, I., Alon, S. & Offir, N. (2005) ‘Time for policy: legislative response to elder abuse and neglect in Israel’, Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 16(4), pp.63-82.

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14 Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007, section 3

15 Bacchi, C.L. (1999) Women, Policy and Politics: The Construction of Policy Problems. London: Sage.

16 For an earlier discussion of these issues in relation to English context see Slater, P. (1999) ‘Elder abuse as harm to older adults: the relevance of age’. In Slater, P. & Eastman, M. (Eds.), Elder Abuse: Critical Issues in Policy and Practice (pp.38-54). London: Age Concern England.

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18 McCreadie, C., Mathew, D., Filinson, R. & Askham, J. (2008) ‘Ambiguity and cooperation in the implementation of adult protection policy’, Social Policy & Administration, 42(3), pp.248-266.

19 Brown, H. & Stein, J. (1998) ‘Implementing adult protection policies in Kent and East Sussex’, Journal of Social Policy, 27(3), pp.371-396.

20 Taylor, C. & White, S. (2006) ‘Knowledge and reasoning in social work: Educating for humane judgement’, British Journal of Social Work, 36(6), pp.937-954.

21 Parton, N. (2000) ‘Some thoughts on the relationship between theory and practice in and for social work’, British Journal of Social Work, 30(4), pp.449-463.

22 Broadhurst, K., Hall, C., Wastell, D., White, S. & Pithouse, A. (2010) ‘Risk, instrumentalism and the humane project in social work: Identifying the informal logics of risk management in children’s statutory services’, British Journal of Social Work, 40(4), pp.1046-1064.

23 Buckley, H. (2003) ‘Child Protection Work: Beyond the Rhetoric’, London: Jessica Kingsley.